Take your Animal Changes Unit to the next level with this 100+ page National Geographic Tadpole to Frog Animals Grow Up Book Companion! This bundle includes everything you will need to go with the Nat Geo Book by Shira Evans. This mini-unit will focus on animals changing and growing, focusing on the frog, butterfly, and dragonfly life cycle, while also learning about babies looking similar and different than their parents.
- vocabulary (match the word to the definition)
- vocabulary match (match the picture to the word)
Can, Have, Are (for butterflies, frogs, and dragonflies)
- can have are posters
- can have are worksheet x2
Key Details
- key details (2 versions + blank)
- graphing
- headings x
What I Learned
- what I learned (3 versions)
Nonfiction Features
- fiction or nonfiction
- If I were a butterfly, frog, dragonfly
Story Elements
- text connections
- retelling
- word web (for butterflies, frogs, and dragonflies)
KWL (for butterflies, frogs, and dragonflies)
- KWL poster
- KWL worksheet x3
Labels (for butterflies, frogs, and dragonflies)
- labeling
- If I were a butterfly writing with topper (also comes with frog and dragonfly versions with toppers)
Table of Contents
- table of contents sort
- table of contents writing
- comprehension
Life Cycle & Facts (for butterflies, frogs, and dragonflies)
- life cycle posters
- fun facts poster (for butterflies and frogs only)
- build-a butterfly, frog, and dragonfly