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How to Teach the McGraw-Hill Wonders Curriculum in K-2

A stock phot of letter tiles and a sign that reads "School Rocks"

When my school first adopted the McGraw-Hill Wonders ELA curriculum, I had no idea what I was doing. The online portal has resources scattered all over and I wasted A LOT of time searching for the right tab to open. The physical teacher's manual was much easier to navigate, however, I couldn't rely solely on it; I needed the digital curriculum materials. I spent that year trying to find a way to make teaching the curriculum easier. Keep reading to the end for tips and tricks for teaching the curriculum.

Whether this is your first year with the Wonders curriculum or your 4th, it can still be tricky to:

  • keep students engaged;

  • teach efficiently without wasting precious time; and

  • cover all required material

We all know that standing up in front of the room and talking is not going to cut it, especially with younger students. Adults can't even sit and pay attention for long, so why should we expect children to? We need to create unique and engaging lessons that make learning fun.

This is why I created my Wonders PowerPoints - they are engaging and include everything in the curriculum! They have been my best seller for years because they truly are a resource that will make your life easier! They are available for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.

The powerpoints include:

  • phonological awareness

  • phonics

  • high-frequency words (the science of reading)

  • story elements

  • genres

  • grammar

  • writing

  • brain breaks

The best part? They are 100% editable in PowerPoint so you can add or change anything!

As of July 2024, I am updating all PowerPoints to a new look. They will also include anchor charts and writing pages. I am also working on phonics packs and HFW packs that align with the curriculum.

Here's what other teachers are saying:

"I absolutely LOVE these resource packs. I use them for every unit because they are so helpful and eye catching for first graders."
"I have bought every single unit because I love these so much! One of my teammates decided to buy because she was impressed as well. It has so many great things that keep the kids interested and engaged."

Since I know buying things for your classroom is a big decision, I want to offer you a FREE week of my PowerPoints. This will allow you to try it out and see if it's a good fit for you!

*PLEASE NOTE: Selling products with copyrighted material is against the law. This means, that these powerpoints are not "ready to go." You will need to add the copyrighted material to the PowerPoint. I have included "Insert Here" spots to make it easier for you.


Tips for teaching the Wonders curriculum (with or without my powerpoints):

  1. Look over the curriculum before teaching the lesson

Looking at the curriculum before teaching allows you to pick out what is most important for your students. As a former teacher, I know how difficult it is to cover all of the material every day. Choose which parts are the most important for your students and which parts can be skipped in whole group if necessary. I recommend trying to get to the skipped material at some point - whether it be in small groups or during the review week. I also suggest utilizing some sort of PowerPoint (it doesn't have to be mine) to stay on track. You don't even realize how much time is wasted using the digital curriculum!

2. Use literacy centers that align with the curriculum

Looking at the curriculum beforehand also allows you to carefully choose literacy centers that align with the curriculum. Always choose centers that align with the curriculum over themed or "cute" centers. There is no problem with using holiday-themed or "cute" centers, but make sure they are purposeful! I also suggest keeping the structure of your literacy centers the same every week so students don't have to learn how to complete a new center. Teach expectations at the beginning of the year for successful literacy centers!

3. Don't be afraid to change up your small group teacher table center!

My school always wanted us to utilize the small group materials that came with the curriculum. While, yes, they are differentiated, sometimes my students need different materials to help master the curriculum. Don't be afraid to do what is best for your students! Supplement resources from other places if you think it's right for your students.

4. Collaborate with your team

Teaching does not have to be an isolated profession. Talk with your team members about how they are using the curriculum and always ask them questions! Don't be afraid to tell your team members about any issues that come up in your classroom (Wonders-related or not!). Just remember, sharing products that you've purchased on TPT requires an extra license for each person you are going to share it with.

5. Go easy on yourself

Whether you're new to the curriculum or not, it is JAM-PACKED with material. I've used the Wonders curriculum for 3 years and I still had trouble with covering all of the content. It's not the end of the world if you don't get to everything, but do make a plan to ensure students are not missing a certain skill (i.e., don't always cut out grammar). Like I said above, preview the lessons and make sure you're covering the skills your students need. Almost all of the skills are included on the weekly assessments as well, so make sure your students are prepared!

I hope these tips help you teach the Wonders curriculum! Do you have any questions, comments, or tips to share? Comment below!

Happy Teaching!


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